Character Creation Steps

1. Ability Scores

Player Characters (PCs) have three ability scores:

  • Strength (STR): Physicality, brawn & toughness.
  • Dexterity (DEX): Speed, sneaking & precision.
  • Control (CTRL): Willpower, charm & weird

When creating a Player Character (PC), the player should roll 3d6 for each of their character’s ability scores, in order. They may then swap any two of the results.

2. Hit Protection

Roll 1d6 to determine your PC’s starting Hit Protection (HP). HP does not indicate a character’s health but reflects their ability to avoid damage (both physical damage and stress). HP can be recovered after a few moments rest (see Healing ). Both Damage and Stress subtract first from your HP. Some things do Damage, some things do Stress, and some do both.

(+ _ Armor) is a tag that items have to indicate that they provide protection from damage and reduce it before it is applied to HP.

(+_Stability) is a tag that special items have to indicate that they provide protection from stress and reduce it before it is applied to HP. Any excess damage or stress (past 0 HP) is applied to the appropriate attribute.

3. Investigator Details

  • Choose a name for your character,
  • Roll a background. This informs their knowledge and potential skills.
  • Choose a style of clothing or look for your character.
  • Answer the Getting To Know Your Character.
  • Determine the rest of your character’s traits.
  • Choose their age or roll 2d20+16.

4. Starting Gear

All investigators start with an Investigator Bundle (a phone, cash, notebook & pen). Players then roll on the Starting Gear tables to determine equipment. If indicated, add chaos magic to your character sheet and refer to the Magic

Characters have a total of 10 inventory slots: a backpack or bag (six slots), hands and upper body (four slots). Most items take up one slot, with smaller items that can be bundled together. Bulky items take two slots and are awkward or require two hands.

The Equipment List has a more detailed overview of weapons and investigative gear. As a table, decide on what common household tools PCs have access to in addition to their starting gear.

5. The Party

The final step is to establish a party set up using the Party Questions section. This provides the initial context for investigators and their journey into the unknown.

Next: Names and Background

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Liminal Horror was written and designed by Goblin Archives